Thursday, May 12, 2016

Twinning Buzzcuts

I got my hair cut by the lovely @annikahair and now my little brother and I both have undercuts. I love this kiddo. He is so funny, talented, and intelligent. He does his research and responds to criticism in kind. He lives his life to it's fullest, helping others and I am so lucky to have him as my friend.

Being an exmo, I don't believe in "families can be together forever" by being baptised, but I do know that my siblings and parents are truly amazing friends to me, who will keep us together for the rest of our life and will help each other through everything. Because they are real, good people who genuinely care. Real family is not judgemental, they love you for who you are, and they would never be as cruel as our extended "family" has been. I love you, Britta, Carson, Mom and Dad! 💜